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IATA Governmental Affairs Committee
"Join Us Campaign"

Fall Field II.jpg

About the "Join Us Campaign"


The Governmental Affairs Committee is challenging each IATA athletic trainer to invite at least one, if not all three, of their appointed district legislators, to an event or tour of their workplace this fall and winter. 


Our goal is to have all legislator visits take place from September to December, so it is important to start planning and getting those invitations out. The reason behind this is to have a cohesive state effort which will demonstrate a strong presence within the Capitol. 


These visits will take place at your workplace, whether that be a high school, college, classroom, military base, industrial warehouse, etc. Visits will ideally include a tour of your athletic training facility/clinic and when able, an intimate perspective to a game, ceremony, presentation, etc. 


We want to strengthen our relationships with our legislators and continue to educate on the nuances and uniqueness of our athletic training profession. These visits will give them a closer look into the world of athletic training. 


Step 1.

Hit the button below to download a PDF document with considerations, tips and general advice for hosting a legislator 

Step 2.

Hit the button below to find the legislator in your district on the Idaho legislative website

Step 3.

Hit the buttons below to download a Microsoft Word document or PDF document of an invitation template you can fill out for your legislator

Step 4.

Hit the button below to find your legislator's contact information and send them your "Join Us" invitation

Have more questions about the "Join Us Campaign"? Want to learn more about the IATA Governmental Affairs Committee (GAC) and the work they do as well as tools and resources they provide? Want to get involved with the IATA Governmental Affairs Committee?

 Hit the links below to check out their webpage or email them

Invite them to your classroom to show that athletic trainers are educators as well as healthcare professionals

Invite them to your base or station to show how athletic trainers care for those that serve our country as military members and our communities as first responders

Invite them to your sideline to show them how athletic trainers fill a vital and necessary role ensuring all athletes have access to healthcare 

Invite them to your warehouse to show how athletic trainers reduce work place injuries and help people get back to work from an injury

Invite them to your clinic to show them that athletic trainers are knowledgeable and skilled  licensed and certified healthcare professionals that can practice in various settings and collaborate with various other healthcare professionals

Invite them to your court to show them how athletic trainers have strong connections and relationships with the communities they work in and become  pillars of their communities

Invite them to your course to show them how athletic trainers help athletes compete at their best or get them back to competing to achieve their goals and make it to the finish line

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